Smoky Valley Live
Previous Events can be found in the Navigation Menu at the top of the page
Thursday, February 6CKL Girls Wrestling TournamentMat One LivestreamMat Two Livestream
SVMS Wrestling JamboreeMat One LivestreamMat Two Livestream
Friday, February 71pm - SVHS Wrestling at Circle
Circle will be providing a livestream on the NFHS Network which requires a subscription. Click here, or search NFHS Network for Circle High School.
SVHS Basketball vs Haven
High School Court Livestream4:30 - Junior Varsity Girls6pm - Varsity Girls7:30 - Varsity Boys
Middle School Court Livestream4:30 - Junior Varsity Boys6pm - C-Team BoysNote: No C-Team Girls
Free livestreams are available on the SVHS Basketball YouTube channel (search YouTube for @svhsbb) and on HudlTV.
Tune to KLBG 95.5 for Audio-Only coverage of Smoky Valley Varsity Sports: KLBG Online
Saturday, February 89am - SVHS Wrestling at Circle
Circle will be providing a livestream on the NFHS Network which requires a subscription. Click here, or search NFHS Network for Circle High School.
Monday, February 104:30 - SVMS Wrestling at Hillsboro5:30 - SVHS Girls JV Basketball Tournament
Tuesday, February 114:30 - SVHS Basketball vs Hillsboro
NOTE: Smoky Valley Livestreams do not require a subscription or fees to enjoy on YouTube.
Tune to KLBG 95.5 for Audio-Only coverage of Smoky Valley Varsity Sports: KLBG Online
NOTE: Smoky Valley Livestreams do not require a subscription or fees to enjoy on YouTube. In case of technical difficulties during varsity contests, see the audio-only links.Score updates available at or on the free ScoreStream app!
Previous Events can be found in the Navigation Menu at the top of the page
SVHS and CKL Scoreboards
Scores update automatically. Get more score information from or by downloading the free ScoreStream app on your phone or tablet!
Live streams will start 10 minutes prior to each event!
Audio for all SVHS Varsity Football and Basketball games is provided by 96.7 KMPK.
In case of video streaming issues, you can listen to the game by clicking here.
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